Mary Trump, President Trump’s niece, has spoken. Now, the President’s unwavering supporters must listen. The recently released book by Mary Trump, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man is sounding the alarm of the President’s incompetence.
The conclusion that President Donald Trump is not leading America toward the ideal direction, can be drawn by anybody who is even remotely paying attention. From the disastrous response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to the economy being at its worst since the 1930s Great Depression, along with racial tensions and white supremacy on the rise, it’s hard to imagine who could possibly be pleased with the lack of leadership from the forty-fifth President. This includes family members.
Mary’s Book:
This summer, Mary Trump, the niece of President Donald Trump, released her book, Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man. This highly-anticipated book details the many layers of why Donald Trump is mentally and emotionally unfit for his current role in office, but this is not a new-found conclusion.
Since the start of Trump’s presidential campaign before the 2016 election, he has proven his lack of empathy, and lack of a moral compass. The pandemic has simply amplified and exacerbated the already-known. Since the start of the Corona virus pandemic, President Trump has had ample opportunities to rise to the occasion to prove that he can be an effective leader, and to prove that he cares about the people who voted him into office.
He has failed blatantly and miserably since the very jump of this virus. His failure to acknowledge it, and his continuous failure to take proper measurements to limit the spread of this virus, has led to unnecessary deaths across the United States. Trump’s February dismissal of the Corona virus as a “Democratic hoax” while science and health officials spoke the exact opposite, led to confusion and the politicisation of public health. It’s unforgivable and it directly proves that his only priority is, and always was, his own image going into his November reelection campaign.
It should come as no surprise that the Trump administration tried everything in their power, to no avail, to block Mary Trump’s book release until after the November election. Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man is now available, and holds the power to serve as a wake-up call to the American voters who have not yet been awakened. Mary Trump has taken the initiative to speak out about the dangers of her uncle, and the extreme importance of voting for the nation’s best interest this November in the 2020 United States Presidential Election.
Spoiler alert: the nation’s best interest is not Donald Trump.
2020 Presidential Election:
Despite the current turmoil of America, President Trump’s approval rating is still sitting in the mid-30s percentage. Although this percentage may seem low to some, the 2016 Presidential Election proved just how misleading these early polls can be. In 2016, election forecasters, who relied on opinion polls, placed Hillary Clinton at a 70 percent all the way up to 99 percent chance of defeating Donald Trump.
After the nation was then stunned by the victory of Donald Trump, Pew Research Centre stated that their wrong prediction could have been due to multiple reasons. Two of the main ones are: that many voters are simply not honest in person-to-person telephone polls, and that a large portion of Donald Trump’s demographic are less-educated Americans, who are harder for pollsters to get a hold of for questioning.
Donald Trump Childhood from the Inside:
In her book, Mary Trump, who holds a PhD in Advanced Psychological Studies, details the intricacies of the President’s childhood and familial relationships that may have played a large part in his narcissistic, compulsive-lying behaviour that we’ve continuously seen throughout the past four years.
In recent interviews with Rachel Maddow, Chris Cuomo, The Washington Post and more, Mary Trump has shared some of her own observations of the President in regards to his mental health and damaging upbringing. She, like most others, has deemed President Trump unfit for office. However, she brings an insight to the table that not many others have. She brings the insight of Donald Trump’s childhood.
One of the many unfortunate but not-so-surprising revelations, from Mary Trump’s interview with Rachel Maddow, is the President’s regular use of anti-Semitic and racial slurs. After Mary Trump mentions that anti-Semitic and racist slurs were always casually used amongst her family, especially throughout Donald Trump’s upbringing, Maddow then pushes for further clarity on whether Donald Trump himself ever used racist slurs:
Maddow: ‘...do you mean this was an ambient thing in your family, but you can't say you ever heard it from him? Or did you hear it from him, too?
Mary Trump: ‘Oh, yeah, of course I did. I don't think that should surprise anybody, given how virulently racist he is today.’
After a beat of silence, Maddow now asks once more, to ensure no misinterpretations.
Maddow: ‘Have you heard the President use the n-word?’
Mary Trump: ‘Yeah.’
Maddow: ‘And anti-Semitic slurs, specifically?’
Mary Trump: ‘Yes.’
(Read the full interview here)
This should come as no surprise, as President Trump’s entire political platform has been rooted in racism and bigotry since the very beginning. The demonising of Mexican immigrants. The lashing out at female politicians who are not white, telling them to ‘go back’ to their countries, despite them being born in America. The fuelling of the conspiracy theories which question President Barack Obama’s American citizenship legitimacy. The retweeting of one of his supporters proudly yelling "White power!" at a Florida Black Lives Matter counter-protest.
The list goes on.
Trump on Racism:
It’s the constant rhetoric from President Donald Trump that if you are not white, your citizenship is up for debate, you might not be American enough, and you are less than.
Blatant racism aside - America is also in the midst of a global pandemic. In just eight months, 170 thousand Americans - and counting - are dead. The richest, most resourceful country in the world, has failed miserably with this virus that other countries have managed to contain.
If Trump supporters are skeptical of the media, skeptical of journalists and every other medium that has told them it is time to choose humanity, maybe they will take it from the President’s own niece.
Mary Trump on The Rachel Maddow Show:
"I want people to understand what a failure of leadership this is. And the reason he’s failing at it is because he’s incapable of succeeding at it. It would have required taking responsibility, which would, in his mind, have meant admitting a mistake, which in his mind, would be admitting weakness - which in my family, was essentially punished with the death penalty, symbolically or otherwise."
Mary Trump, sounding the alarm and spelling it out for us, is all the more evidence that it is beyond past time for his supporters to jump ship. Taking this voice seriously means saving democracy. These are no longer the red flags of Donald Trump. “Red flags” would be an extreme understatement. Mary Trump has come to the table with a screaming voice. Four more years of Donald Trump could mean irreparable damage.
Written by Brea Mitchell
Image: Image by Mediamodifier from Pixabay